Exam Information

WCNA Certification Exam Overview
Successful completion of the WCNA Certification Exam (formerly referred to as the Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Exam) indicates you have the knowledge required to capture network traffic, analyze the results and identify various anomalies related to performance or security issues.​To earn the WCNA Certification status, you must pass a single Exam—the WCNA-200.x Exam.​The WCNA Certification Exam is available at hundreds of testing centers around the world. You can take your Exam at a KRYTERION High-stake Online Secure Testing (HOST) location. Register for the proctored WCNA Certification Exam online at www.webassessor.com/pai.​​
Online Proctored Exam Version
The Exam is also available in an Online Proctored Exam format that allows you to schedule to take the test at your home or office. Biometric authentication steps are required (photo and keyboard analytics) in order to register for an Online Proctored Exam.Online Proctored Exams are proctored via an external webcam following the requirements defined by Kryterion, Inc. To view the requirements for the Online Proctored Exam option, register for a free test taker account at www.webassessor.com/pai and login to your Home page. Under the Online Proctored heading you will find links for the requirements documentation, Sentinel software installation, and the biometrics enrollment link. Visit https://kryterion.force.com/support/s/topic/0TO1W000000I5h3WAC/online-proctoring for more information on Online Proctored Exam technology.​​
Exam Time Limit and Question Count
The WCNA Certification Exam is a closed-book Exam consisting of 100 questions. The Exam time limit is 2 hours (120 minutes).​
Exam Pricing
The WCNA Certification Exam cost is USD 299 for a single Exam sitting. The WCNA Certification Practice Exam (online) cost is USD 29 for a single WCNA Certification Practice Exam session. Additional Exam sittings and WCNA Certification Practice Exam sessions must be paid for separately at the full price. If you require more than one Practice Exam session, we recommend you purchase the Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Official Exam Prep Guide available in Paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. Please note that if you are an All Access Pass member, the practice exam is available under the WCNA Certification category.​
Pass/Fail Grading
The WCNA Certification Exam is graded on a pass/fail basis. Passing scores are set by using statistical analysis. At the completion of the Exam, candidates receive a score report.​​
Question Formats
There are two forms of questions in the WCNA Certification Exam — true/false and multiple choice. Only one answer is correct for each multiple-choice question. Questions may also include images.
​​Test Retake Procedure
If you fail the Exam, you must wait five (5) business days before retaking the Exam. You must purchase another Test Taker Authorization Code at www.webassessor.com/pai. Only three (3) Exams with the same Exam identification number may be taken per calendar year.You must purchase another Exam sitting at the full price if you require a retake.​​
Exam Registration
Register for the proctored WCNA Certification Exam online at www.webassessor.com/pai.​​
Taking Your Proctored Exam
Once your registration and scheduling is complete, you will receive an email confirmation which includes the details of your registration including your Test Taker Authorization Code. The email also includes the HOST location address and the date and time of your Exam session. If you require a customized receipt for your employer, click on the Generate Receipt button on the Home page of your Webassessor account.
You are required to bring two forms of identification with you to the HOST location, which your proctor verifies and records. In addition, you must bring your Test Taker Authorization Code which you received in your registration confirmation email.​The proctor will hand you a document to read in the waiting room while they load your Exam in the testing area. The testing center document prepares you for your Exam session.Once your Exam has loaded, your proctor will show you where the restrooms are, store your personal belongings in a secure compartment, and answer any Exam session questions you may have. You may then begin your Exam.
The Exam engine provides you with detailed instructions on how to take the Exam and guides you through each step of the Exam process.You have two hours (120 minutes) to complete the WCNA Certification Exam. You may review your answers before submitting your Exam. Unanswered questions are graded as incorrect.When finished, you are prompted to notify your proctor that you have completed the Exam. The proctor will then close your Exam session. You will receive your pass/fail notification upon completion of the Exam.​
Acceptable Forms of Identification
Acceptable forms of photo ID include: government-issued driver’s license or ID card, passport, military identification, an employee identification card, or a student picture ID from an accredited college or university.The following forms of non-photo ID are acceptable: credit card, check cashing card or a bank debit card. A social security card is not an acceptable form of identification.The Online Proctored Exam requires a photo ID as well as keyboard analytic process to verify the identity of the test taker and match the registrant with the test taker. For more information regarding the Online Proctored Exam process and security, visit https://www.kryteriononline.com/test-taker/online-proctoring-support.​​
Closed Book Policy
The WCNA Certification Exam is closed-book format. No Internet access or open computer (other than the Exam system) is allowed during the Exam. Candidates may not access any printed materials or electronic devices such as extra computers or USB flash drives.​
Cancellation/Rescheduling Details
If you need to reschedule your Exam appointment, you may do so earlier than 72 hours of your Exam appointment. Log into your KRYTERION account at www.webassessor.com/pai and click on View Schedule Details and the Reschedule button.
IMPORTANT: Read the next section regarding cancellation and rescheduling within 72 hours of your Exam appointment.​
Cancellation/Rescheduling within 72 Hours of Your Exam Appointment
If you wish to cancel or reschedule your Exam within 72 hours of your appointment, please call the Protocol Analysis Institute, Inc., (PAI) Customer Support line at +1 775-360-5162. Office hours are 10am to 6pm Pacific Time. Do not attempt to contact Kryterion or the testing center directly. You will forfeit $175 of your Exam registration fee if you reschedule or cancel your Exam appointment within 72 hours of your Exam appointment or do not show for your Exam appointment.​
Certification Maintenance and Expiration
Your WCNA Certification status is valid for three (3) years from the date of successful Exam completion. At the end of 3 years, you will need to take the Re-certification Exam to maintain your certification status. While we do not require Continuing Professional Education (CPE) or Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits, we do recommend that you continue expanding your knowledge and skills.
​In Case of Test Problems or Questions
Please first review the FAQ section of this site. If you have additional questions regarding the certification process, your certification status, or the Kryterion testing engine, contact Protocol Analysis Institute, Inc. at info@WCNAcertification.com or call the Protocol Analysis Institute, Inc., (PAI) Customer Support line at +1 775-710-9822. Office hours are 10am to 6pm Pacific Time.